No to fake leaders and world bank
(zu alt für eine Antwort)
Moshe Y. Rosten
2003-12-08 06:58:01 UTC
What do you mean? Why are the jews duped? You don't think they know what
they're doing? America is an enemy not of the world but of a way of life any
that is not like them.

who do u think duped the Jewish into those monsterous organisations?
the damn americans thats who!
the americans are the enemy of the world, with their saddam and their
alquaeda and their taliban.
Assalam u'Alekum all,
You want to know who runs third world countries, well IMF and world
bank, it is due to these monsterous Jewish organisations, people and
dying in African countries, but world bank and IMF never bothered to
look back twice before enforcing new interests on top of the loans poor
countries had taken. You know in many cases when poor countries take
loan, one powerful man takes most of money, after a few years he leave
the power and goes away, but IMF and world bank keep charging the hungry
dying civilians for the crimes they did not commit. This is one of the
reason behind poverty in third world countries.
Did any one ever bother to ask why can't we free those hungry countries
from interest, why can't the world be fair place, how long the ordinary
man will pay for the crimes he did not commit. You may want to know that
IMF and world bank have enough power to destroy a poor economy in
minutes (not hours).
I don't think oil rich country like Iraq needs any IMF loans, I think
IMF and world bank have sucked enough blood of human race, it is time
someone opens their records and sees what is going on. I think their oil
will be good enough to shoulder broken economy. And I also think that
Iraq needs real leaders who lived with people and cared for people, the
problem with people like Ahmed Chalabi is , these people want to hold a
position but they don't have leadership qualities, they are only
interested in position like any other "stable" politician around the
world, and that is that.
Though my thoughts but like always they can be wrong if so may God
forgive me. May God free the world from the slavery of wicked, powerful
friends of Satan. May God give us the ability to analyse and think.
find all my interesting articles :) at http://www.maududi.com or
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Moshe Y. Rosten
2003-12-08 06:58:57 UTC
Addition. Enemy to any not like them. Meaning economic takeover. This is the
modern strategy to insure cooperation and dominance.
who do u think duped the Jewish into those monsterous organisations?
the damn americans thats who!
the americans are the enemy of the world, with their saddam and their
alquaeda and their taliban.
Assalam u'Alekum all,
You want to know who runs third world countries, well IMF and world
bank, it is due to these monsterous Jewish organisations, people and
dying in African countries, but world bank and IMF never bothered to
look back twice before enforcing new interests on top of the loans poor
countries had taken. You know in many cases when poor countries take
loan, one powerful man takes most of money, after a few years he leave
the power and goes away, but IMF and world bank keep charging the hungry
dying civilians for the crimes they did not commit. This is one of the
reason behind poverty in third world countries.
Did any one ever bother to ask why can't we free those hungry countries
from interest, why can't the world be fair place, how long the ordinary
man will pay for the crimes he did not commit. You may want to know that
IMF and world bank have enough power to destroy a poor economy in
minutes (not hours).
I don't think oil rich country like Iraq needs any IMF loans, I think
IMF and world bank have sucked enough blood of human race, it is time
someone opens their records and sees what is going on. I think their oil
will be good enough to shoulder broken economy. And I also think that
Iraq needs real leaders who lived with people and cared for people, the
problem with people like Ahmed Chalabi is , these people want to hold a
position but they don't have leadership qualities, they are only
interested in position like any other "stable" politician around the
world, and that is that.
Though my thoughts but like always they can be wrong if so may God
forgive me. May God free the world from the slavery of wicked, powerful
friends of Satan. May God give us the ability to analyse and think.
find all my interesting articles :) at http://www.maududi.com or
To download softwares/books written by me